NYC Photography Art Prints
Our Color NYC Scene images are perfect for Photography Wall Art displays in the home or commercial spaces. These creative NYC cityscape photography art prints depict interesting scenes from New York City. Viewers will see photos depicting scenes of ipeople, places and objects of high interest. These cityscape art photographs are meant to connect the viewer viscerally with scenes that represent the architecture, infrastructure, or humanity of a city. Cityscapes encompass scenes of buildings, bridges, and the people who live in cities. The photographic art of our cityscapes depict how people thrive or struggle within an urban environment.. Photo art cityscapes are meant to provoke inner memories and or connections to one’s experience as they stroll through a metropolis.
Cityscape images can be spiritual and link the viewer to the past or future. Marty Markoe’s philosophy of photography takes the word Photography literally. It derives from the Greek Photo meaning light and Graph meaning to draw.
When considering photographing a cityscape scene for image capture, 2 main elements are considered. 1st is lighting. Seascape photos are most dramatic when exposed in directional light like at sunrise or sunset, or flat light like overcast or foggy, or with precipitation on rainy days. The 2nd element considered is composition. This means the forms within the frame of the scene have an arrangement that doesn’t detract from the intention to evoke the inner psyche of the viewer. Images the photographer shares should reach within a person viewing these seascape art photos. See:
mm*****@gm***.com“>Photography – “Light Writing” in Greek